Tag Search - 'Aqua English'

Keep Swimming in Winter!
Fri, 6 Jul 18Keep swimming in winter....it gets you ready for summer!
Water Safety Recruitment @ Yeerongpilly TAFE
Fri, 5 Feb 16Founding Director and Community Development Manager, Sarah Scarce was pleased to visit Yeerongpilly TAFE on Tuesday 02nd February 2016. She was able to speak to and engage with students in the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) and recruit them as new participants for the upcoming 'Adult Swimming & Water Safety Program' funded by The Brisbane City Council Active Parks Program at Yeornga Pool.
Welcome Woodridge SHS ESL Department!
Fri, 5 Feb 16Our intensive swimming and English program for the Woodridge SHS ESL Department officially started on Wednesday 3rd February 2016 at The YMCA Acacia Ridge Leisure Centre. We are in the first week of processing groups 1 & 2 from 6 groups. We have a fantastic group of staff (old and new) who are keen and energetic. We have fun for the first two sessions and cannot wait for the next 7 weeks!
Thanks for a Great Summer Season EF!
Fri, 5 Feb 16EF Language Travel and Aqua English have been working together for the last ten years to provide home stay students visiting Australia (and the Gold Coast) the opportunity to engage in swimming and water safety lessons mixed with English. We have loved having the 300+ students over the last few weeks, and wish our Chinese visitors a Happy Chinese New Year! Xi Nien Kuai Lieu!
Tourism Queensland & The Aqua English Project!
Tue, 7 May 13Loving our wonderful photo-shoot with Tourism Queensland. The Aqua English Project proudly showcases the 'Education Tourism' side of the sector. Great Gold Coast and beach and pool shots! http://tq.lookat.me.com.au/search/results.me?goto=4