The Aqua English Project: Official Speakers for the
Fri, 3 Dec 10

The Conference Organising and Thematic Review Committees received and reviewed over 250 Abstract submissions and were pleased to advise that The Aqua English Project submission “Barriers to Aquatic Participation for English as Second Language Speakers: An Australian Profile: The Exploration of a Preventative Drowning Strategy That's Working” has been accepted as an Oral Presentation.
We will be presenting research and development findings from The Aqua English Project at the WORLD CONFERENCE ON DROWING PREVENTION 2011, Danang, Vietnam - Tuesday 10 to Friday 13 May 2011
Tags: World Conference On Drowning Prevention, Danag, Vietnam, 2011, Barriers To Aquatic Participation For English As Second Language Speakers: An Australian Profile, An Exploration Of A PReventative Drowning Strategy That\'s Working. Http://